nice poem :)

puisi indah pengantar pulang, hehe.. tadi pagi sebelum istirahat my english teacher ngasih aq en temen temen puisi tntang kehidupan. Dan jujur aq suka sama puisi nya, banget malah, hehe..
trus habis qt baca puisi itu bareng2 qt di suruh milih mana yg paling cocok sama kita and make the phylosophy (gak tau gmn tulisane) hehe..
Mari kita simak....

Life is a Beauty... Praise it
Life is a Challenge... Meet it
Life is a Duty... Perform it
Life is a Love... Enjoy it
Life is a Tragedy... Face it
Life is a Struggle... Fight it
Life is a Promise... Fulfill it
Life is a Game... Play it
Life is a Gift... Accept it
Life is a Journey... Complete it
Life is a Mystery... Unfold it
Life is a Goal... Achieve it
Life is an Opportunity... Take it
Life is a Puzzle... Solve it
Life is a Song... Sing it
Life is a Sorrow... Overcome it
Life is a Spirit... Realize it
Life is an Adventure... Dare it

Adakah yang cocok denganmu??
baca dan renungi,, :D

thanks miss Rossa.. hehe
give me great inspiration..

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