Gaje ahh

Night all,,,,
hhfftt hari yg mnyebalkan i think,,
udh tadi perang batin sama adek q.. barusan ngurusin foto yg gak maw brenti,,
tapi yaahh hari ini sgera terlewatin...

taw gak barusan aq terharu baca blog temen q.. yaahh kata katanya yg pas dan mengharukan.. kuakui dia memang sangat berbakat dalam hal menulis.. dulu ketika SMP ia sering membuat novel n itu aq baca smua alhasilll MESMERIZE,, yup memukau..

oh yaaa... untuk sterusnya mungkin aq akan jarang ngepost disini lagi.. cz i must pulang kampung ke tanah kelairan qw,,, yupzz Karanganyar,Solo..adakah yg mau ikut?? hehe..
udah lama aq gak kesana,,
n berhubung disana suasananya masih desa bukan ndeso n asri,, soo dsana agak gimana gtu bwat ngenet,, haha padunegakmaukewarnet.. hmm maybe time for nenangin diri okeoke.. haha,,

udah dulu ya,,jaga diri kalian baik baik,,lho?? haha :D
aq udh dipanggil suruh beres" dadaaaa.....


Kenapa musti 22 Desember??

yak kalian tau ini tanggal berapa n hari apa??
tanggal 22 desember hari kamis. Yes i know that but do you know hari ini tu orang" pada bilang ini hari IBU. aku heran kenapa cuman tanggal 22 Desember tepat pada hari kamis ini yang dinamakan hari ibu?? for me all day is mother's day.. everyday we must respect with her.. must love her treat her n ghairuha..
Mungkin bagi umiku,,gak ada yg spesial pada hari ini cz..stauku anak"nya belum ada yg ngasih SELAMAT HARI IBU ke beliau..
aku sendiri belom ngucapin palagi adek" aku?? aku adalah tipe orang yg malu kalo bilang langsung.. so,aq diem aja deh, aq durhaka gak ya?? haduuhhh...

aku durhaka ya,, dah gak ngucapin mana dosaku ke beliau wuuhh bejibun.. tpi aq taw hati ibu tuh tulus.. tulus merawat anaknya..tulus mendidik anaknya,membesarkan anaknya.,, lihat anaknya nakal.. beliau marah!! tpi itu tanda sayang beliau,, yah kuakui sering aku jengkel sama beliau beliau juga mesti juengkel punya anak kayak aku.. tapi,, yaahh its me aku ttep slalu sayang sama beliau everyday everything everywhere........ hmm all lah,,
aku bngung gimana ngucapinnya ya?? "Tuhan tolonglah sampaikan sejuta sayangku untuknya.." ets gak cuman sejuta.. lebih taww wah ADA BAND tu gimana,,

yaahhhh Met Hari Ibu dehh buat para remaja,, jangan jadi kayak aku ya.. aq gak patut ditiru,, balaslah kasiih sayang ibumu dg tulus,, walau sbenarnya kalian gendong ibu kalian kemanapun itu gak cukup buat bayar pngorbanan ibu kalian,, so maksimalkanlah keinginan ibu kita yg selalu mengharapkan qta to be sholeh n sholehah.. taat sama beliau yaa mesti pngen anak anaknya sukses..

For my mother,, MET HARI IBU,UMMI... kata I LOVE U gak cukup buat mwakilin rasa sayang ku ke ummi.. I NEED U?? no bahkan lebih dari butuh.....
semoga allah selalu menjagamu dalam rahmatnya,, selalu melindungimu dan selalu memberimu kesabaran dalam meniti tajamnya hidup.. 
thanks udah mndampingiku selama 16 tahun...
maaf bila banyak tingkah dan ucapanku yg gak berkenan di hati,, ummi pemaaf deh..

ku mencintaimu lebih dari apapun..
ku mencintaimu sedalam dalam hatiku..
I pray to God everyday,to keep you forever.... 
love u so much mmuuacch :-*



event OSIS part III

wah ini blog q malah kyag blog OSIS ya.. isinya tntang OSIS eq.. habiss aq klo aq maw nulis di blog OSIS aq takut eq neg ntar malah salah wwaahh aq dimarahin sak OSIS nooo.... so mas addinn aq ijin ya nge post tntang OSIS di blog q.. plliisss,,, ni ijin po ngrayu tha.. alah bodo amat...
qta lanjut ke yg selanjutnya.. haha yaiyalahhh...
-*-*-*-*-*(pleTON inTI)*-*-*-*-*-
yupz TONTI.. membentuk klub TONTI nag smait IF...ni merupakan kerjasama antara bidang PKPS dan PSDM.. hhmm di proker ini, kbanyakan atau mayoritas y akan d pilih adalah kelas 10 soalnya kls 11 kan udh mulai sibuk n besok yg ikut lomba ya kelas 10 nya bgeto.. di TONTI ini akan dipilih 20 orang--> 4 klas 11 dan 16 klas 10.
Pas ini aq asal ikut aja tpi ya berdo'a smoga bsa masuk TONTI.. kalo gk ktrima ta buat plajaran kan bisa..
awalnya qta diadakan latihan dulu biar pas seleksi tu taw apa aja yg akan dinilai.. yah from it aq dpet bnyak banget pelajaran about PBB.. latihan ini diadakan 2 hari hari prtama buat PBB yg di tempat hri kedua buat PBB yg jalan...
semakin hari aq semakin yakin aq bisa masuk TONTI, walopun awalnya nyali sempet ciut ngliet org" yg ikut.. tpi ya.. smua itu tergantung niat dan keyakinan qta,, so gw positive thinking aja deh..
pas hari seleksinya aq bner" deh soalnya ini dinilai juga oleh kelas 12 yg taon lalu ikut delegasi kemwil plus ada p.pawit. Seleksi ini diadakan di RUSUNAWA pas itu belum ada ikhwannya tpi skarang sayangnya udh d tempatin... ya di situlah kami dibagi jadi berkelompok-kelompok,,... qta seriuusss banget sampe cuapeekk banget. hftt qta liat liputannya,,, cekidott....


event OSIS part II

yupzz back to here still with me.. lanjut ya..
-*-*-*-*-*(Sumpah Pemuda)*-*-*-*-*-
buat mmperingati HARI SUMPAH PEMUDA.. kami dari OSIS jga ngadain acara" gtu deh.. pas tgl 29 november 2011.. acara ini langsung brada di bawah bidang PKPS. Di event ini aq jdi skretaris tpi pas event ini jujur aq kerjanya gak maksimal.. g taw ya,, hfftt apa krn ktuanya jga klas 11 jdi aq agak canggung gtu deh,, hdeehhh..
oke kmbali ke topik,, acara ini diisi dari pagi dg pemanasan,,trus jalan santai po jalan sehat eo lupa eq.. trus ada yaa break lah sambil fto" gtu deehh.. trus ada pembagian door prize n Footsall.. n the lastt ada lomba haflah.. ples itu jauh hari sbelumnya dihimbau untuk mmbuat mading yg brtmakan nasionalisme....
yapzz itu aja deh sekilas tentang event sumpah pemuda..
oo ya,, walhasil pemenang dari lomba haflah.. diraih oleh kelas 12 akhwat n lomba mading oleh klas 11 IPS.. :)
atasyfi... plokplokplok....
.:yakk berdo'a sbelum mulai pemanasan.....

.: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ganti kanan....

.: ehh ngaxis dulu ahh mumpung ada yg maw njeprettt.. 123 action.. klik!

.:hadduuhh capekk minum ahh kakinya slonjor...
eits ada yg msih maw d fto coba... emmbtt.... 

.:eh eh bntar ngaxis dulu ah... ckrik!!

.: eehh qta juga d fto donkk... ahaha,,,, wlopun capekk aaahh yg pnting happy..

.: ayoo klas 10 nya fto dulu.. waahh bnyak amat,, sipp 123 action!!

.: ayo dngerin prtnyaannya biar dapet hadiahh... 

.:yapp ni kelas 11 nya,, rapi amat yhaww... 

.: ayo ayo ayo qta pasti bisa...
--> armada di dadaku armada kbangaanku q yakin kali ini pasti menangg..
--> X3 X2.. kobarkan semangatmu kan ku bela sampai akhir hayatku!!

.: yookk spa maw maju pertama???

.: Berbagi bersama di ARMADA.... ciaahh.. :)



-*-*-*-*(Hold My Hand)-*-*-*-*
I hear the flower's kinda crying loud
The breeze's sound in sad
Oh no
Tell me when did we become,
So cold and empty inside
Lost a way long time ago
Did we really turn out blind
We don't see that we keep hurting each other no
All we do is just fight

Now we share the same bright sun,
The same round moon
Why don't we share the same love
Tell me why not
Life is shorter than most have thought

Hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what we have left behind
Hold my hand my friend
We can save the good spirit of me and you
For another chance
And let's pray for a beautiful world
A beautiful world I share with you

Children seem like they've lost their smile
On the new blooded playgrounds
Oh no
How could we ignore
heartbreaking crying sounds
And we're still going on
Like nobody really cares
And we just stopped feeling all the pain because
Like it's a daily basic affair

No matter how far I might be
I'm always gonne be your neighbor
There's only one small planet where to be
So I'm always gonna be your neighbor
We cannot hide, we can't deny
That we're always gonna be neighbors
You're neighbor, my neighbor
We're neighbors

So hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what have left behind

So hold my hand
There are many ways to do it right
Hold my hand
Turn around and see what have left behind
Hold my hand my friend
We can save the good spirit of me and you
For another chance
And let's pray for a beautiful world
A beautiful world I share with you
-*-*-*-*-*(Open Your Eyes)*-*-*-*-*
Look around yourselves
Cant you see this wonder
Spreaded in front of you
The clouds floating by
The skies are clear and blue
Planets in the orbits
The moon and the sun
Such perfect harmony
Let’s start question in ourselves
Isnt this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We cant keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by suprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day
Keep us close to you
Until the end of time
Look inside yourselves
Such a perfect order
Hiding in yourselves
Running i your veins
What about anger love and pain
And all the thing you are feeling
Can you touch them with your hand
So are they really there
Lets start question in ourselves
Isnt this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside
When a baby’s born
So helpless and weak
And you are watching him growing
So why deny
Whats in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life
You created everything
We belong to you
Ya Rabb we raised our hand
Forever we thank you
-*-*-*-*-*(Always Be There)*-*-*-*-*- 
If you ask me about Allah
And what I know about it
I’ll answer will be …..
It’s everything about Allah
The pure love to our soul
Who have created you and me,
The heaven and whole universe
The One that made us hold and free
The Guardian of His True believers
So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there
To bless us with His love and His mercy coz
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there
He’s always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what’s in our little heart
So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promises to you He’ll always be there …
Could bring the sun from the darkness
Into the light
Capable of everything
Should never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow His guidance
All the way through a short time
We have in this life
Soon it’ll all be over
And we’ll be in His heaven
And we’ll all be fined
So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there
To bless us with His love and His mercy coz
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there
He’s always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what’s in our little Heart
So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promises to you He’ll always be there
-*-*-*-*-*-*(Thank You Allah)*-*-*-*-*

I was so far from you
Yet to me you were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes toward the signs
You put in my way
I walked everyday
further and further away from you
O Allah, you brought me home
I thank you with every breath I take
الحمد لله
All praises to Allah
I never thought about
All the things you have given to me
I never thanked you once
I was too proud to see the truth
And prostrate to you
Until I took the first step
And that’s when you opened the doors for me
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing
By being far from you
الحمد لله
All praises to Allah
Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank you for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
And did you give me hope
O Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank you for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
I wanna thank you for bringing me home
الحمد لله
All praises to Allah
الحمد لله
-*-*-*-*-*( Allah Hi Allah Kiya Karo)*-*-*-*-*-
Allah hi Allah kia kero
dukh na kisi ko diya kero
jo duniya ka malik hai
naam ussi ka liya kero
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
kab chehray pe jhoot saja ke mitti hai sachai
jhootay ko duniya mein hamaisha milti hai rusvaye
sach ki raah pe chala karo.
dukh na kisi ko diya kero
jo duniya ka malik hai
naam ussi ka liya kero
Allah hi Allah
Allah hi Allah kia kero
dukh na kisi ko diya kero
jo duniya ka malik hai
naam ussi ka liya kero
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
sheeha toot ke jur sakta hai, dil na juray ger totay
kitna hai bedard woh insaan pyar ka ghar jo lootay
aisa zulm na kia kero
dukh na kisi ko diya kero
jo duniya ka malik hai
naam ussi ka liya kero
Allah hi Allah
Allah hi Allah kia kero
dukh na kisi ko diya kero
jo duniya ka malik hai
naam ussi ka liya kero
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Khud Gharzi Ki Iss Duniya main pyar se jeena seekho
yoon logon ka dil na dukhao, Rab se darna seekho
sab se mohabbat kia karo
dukh na kisi ko diya kero
jo duniya ka malik hai
naam ussi ka liya kero
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…
Allah hi Allah…

yg lain nyusul yahhh :)


event event OSIS

--------------::GiRlY ZoNe::-----------------
atau dunianya para akhwat..agenda yg langsung brada dalam naungan ROHIS dan dikelola oleh OSIS sndiri ini bertujuan untuk mnambah ilmu buat para akhwat dan mengisi waktu luang, karena acara ini qta adakan tiap hari jum'at saat kaum adam lgi jum'atan,, dan inilah bntuk jum'atan kaum hawa,, qta buat acara ini smenarik mungkin,, seheboh mungkin.. pertemuan pertama qta smpet puterin tentang propaganda propaganda yahudi gtu deh.. yaahh seru lah pkoknya.. trus qta jga prnah puterin tentang kampus" its for 12 grade yg gak lama lgi mreka akan lulus n nglanjutin ke jenjang yg lbih tinggi tntunya,, terus qta jga prnah berbicara tntang Wanita Shalihah.. oleh ustd Lia atau istrinya P.Kasban,, pernah juga bahas tntang Ikhtilath sama guru matematika q B.Yuvita,, all is useful for us.. ni ada bbrapa cuplikan about it..
.:Ni di our first day,, qta tayangin about Yahudii....

.:waww penonton membludakk hahayy,,,,

.:wah serius amat ngliatin apaan siihhh??

.:eitss haduuhh itu pas ngetes camera.. hehe..
-----------::FiNdInG CaMpUs::------------
inisih acara tampa ikut campur kelas 10 soalnya ini di adain gk lama pas qta habis dilantik,, kan masih baru tuh blm taw apa" jdi yg ngurusin ni kls 11 nya yg OSIS.. hehe :D
acara ini bertujuan agar kelas 12 punya gambaran nantinya mau kuliah dimana.. mempermudah lah istilahnya,, yookk lihat cuplikannya....
oohhh gak bisa iqq ntar lihat aja yah di slide shownya,, oke oke.. :)

hhmm sbenernya masih bnyak yg pngen aq tuliss tpi oq capek yaa...
lanjut ke episode slanjutnya aja yahhh dahdahhh..... ^_^

Aku Di OSIS................

Di sma skarang,, aq ikut organisasi sekolah salah satunya adalah OSIS..
yap tau gak sih baru kali ini aq jadi OSIS.. yaa tpi aq bangga aku masuk OSIS kan karena kemauanku dan aku lolos seleksi..senen banget jdi, anggota OSIS skarang tuh anggotanya bukan anggota biasa jdi mreka adalah yg lolos seleksi... untuk k dpannya aq pngen di osis aja.. kyaknya aq lbih fokus ke osis... :)
 for the one... this is we,,,,,, Public Relation division
(dari kiri ime,me,n mb atrin)
dan ini foto qta smua.. taw gak HUMAS pusing pusing cari waktu buat foto ini, cz qta btuh fto ini buat di web kita,, oh ya HUMAS juga yg ngurusin web osis,,, kalo mau buka silakan ni di alamat www.osissmaitif.com 
tu web nya masih ya tu deh qta belum maksimal ngurusinnya,, yah smoga aja k depannya qta punya waktu buat ngurusin plus up to date di webnya..

---------(OSIS PERIODE 2011/2012)---------

lokasi: depan Gor Haji Asy'ari
 from it all qta berharap smoga OSIS tahun ini bisa lbih baik...
terutama HUMAS sndiri ya walopun sering qta ada konflik sama ikhwan tapi itulah yg bikin qta jdilebih dewasa.. qta jga pernah nangis pas qta jadi BIDANG TERAKHIR bayangin aja!!
 tapi itulah awal dari perjalanan qta... langkah awal dalam qta mngemban amanah smoga ke depan justru qta lah yang akan jadi BIDANG TERBAIK amin...

maw tau prkembangan qta dari OSIS?? update terus ya,,, okeoke.. jngan males baca posting q,, hehe..